Monday, May 16, 2011

Preparing for the Tag Sale

So tomorrow is the tag sale...what a day for the Anthropologie lover on a budget.

Unfortunately, I haven't heard a lot of buzz about my two main wish-list items (Athena Blouse and Apothecary Skirt). Both are kind of new, as my favorite season of clothing is late spring-early summer, so there's not a lot of things I'm pining for. But I'll be staying up until about 2am seeing what goes on sale. And then plan my day around that. Do I go to the early opening of Lenox Mall's store? Or wait for my much beloved new Howell Mill location to open?

We'll see. But some things to keep in mind at any sale:

1. Do a sweep, especially if you don't frequent the stores that often. And pick up everything. During a sale you never know who might be your same size/tastes. Also, I don't know if others notice this, but Anthro has a hypnotizing effect that kind of disorients me! I think it is combo of thinking LOVE LOVE LOVE in every direction and that the racks tend to move.

2. Set a budget: I will not spend my entire paycheck on one trip!

3. Do your research: I know what I like at Anthro. I know what I want to try on again and I know the merchandise.

4. But be open to deals! Try something unexpected on, that's on sale and see what happens!